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High-Performance Training For Business
I’ve spent most of my life helping executives and elite athletes develop a strong mental mindset for peak performance in high stress situations. And, from my experience this has proven to be the most important ingredient in achieving success.
What separates success from failure can be as much as 1/100 of a second. This is the fraction of time that cost my client from making the 2018 Olympic team. Hard work and mental focus to pick up that sliver of time not only help her make the team, but win the U.S. trials, then go on to compete at the World Cup as the #1 competitor for Team USA while finishing 8th in the world.
” The only thing that can get in the way of your desired outcome… is your emotions!! ”
Jim Tracy
Harvey McKay
Bill Bartmann
Warren Moon
Business, like life, is a game of inches
We can learn a lot from this speech given by Al Pacino in the movie Any Given Sunday:
In life or football – the margin for error is so small. I mean, one half a step too late or too early and you don’t quite make it. One half second too slow, too fast and you don’t quite catch it. The inches we need are everywhere around us. They’re in every break of the game, every minute, every second. On this team we fight for that inch. On this team we tear ourselves and everyone else around us to pieces for that inch. We claw with our fingernails for that inch. Because we know when we add up all those inches that’s gonna make the difference between WINNING and LOSING, between LIVING and DYING!
This same PRECISION FOCUS needs to be applied to your career.
Now it’s time to take this mentality into our business life:
What does this actually mean?
I was talking with a senior executive at one of the largest financial institutions who said he was one of the top 200 performers in the company. With thousands of financial advisors in this company, this is no small feat. Now he was searching for the key ingredient that would take him into the top 50, and what he discovered was that those who had achieved this kind of success all had a coach.
When I played professional tennis back in the late 70s, I was playing in the Stockholm Open and met Bjorn Borg’s coach. I remember thinking how odd it was for the #1 player in the world to have a coach. All the players thought it is was strange also. Then, during the next tournament, I played a young Spanish player who also had a coach sitting on the sideline. We had a very close match, but he ended up beating me.
The variable was not a great difference in talent, but that he was able to make adjustments every time I thought I had him beat. On changeovers, he would talk to his coach and then come out firing on all cylinders.
There’s not one top tennis player in the world who doesn’t travel with a coach. So, if these top performers have a private coach, what’s keeping you from having one too? In my experience this is why many don’t hire a coach:
I CAN DO THIS ON MY OWN: Like me, and most of the tennis players back in my day, no one thought we needed one. We were the top players in the world, so who could coach us better than us? When you don’t know the value, it is easy to dismiss.
I CAN’T AFFORD A COACH: With this mindset you never will be able to afford one.
IT DOESN’T WORK FOR ME: In other words, “I hired a coach and it didn’t work for me.” Do your homework and find a coach that you know has a solid track record of success for their clients. Make sure you also can relate to their particular style of coaching. Some coaches are great at marketing themselves but have no real experience or track record in one-on-one high-performance coaching.
Many coaches fit #3’s description. Be sure to distinguish between great marketers and great coaches.
GAME TIME coaching is your solution.
I’m known as one of the top mental performance coaches in both sports and in business. Not by any marketing genius, but by proven results. I’ve been doing this for more than 30 years and in order to have a championship mentality, you must develop a strong mindset.
Champions are champions before they’re champions.
The most sought-after tool I’ve developed over the years is known as a “Game Ready.” From MVP performances in both professional football and baseball, to first responders and elite military personnel, all of these high-achievers are using the “Game Ready” process before going into high stress situations.
And, the “Game Ready” is just one aspect of GAME TIME. In this coaching program, I will teach a new Beast Trigger principle in every call. What a great way to start a new winning habit. The book I co-wrote, Be A Beast: Unleash Your Animal Instincts For Performance Driven Results was a number #1 Bestseller in Australia, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom, Canada, and #1 in 22 different categories here in the United States. This book shares just six “Beast” principles, but in GAME TIME coaching, over time you will learn all 37 “Beast” principles in all. How’s that for a game changer.
The price of excellence… is well worth the cost
Many spend thousands on private coaching (and for me most end up being long-term clients). Why? Because this type of personal coaching is hands down super effective and produces winning realtime results. The bottom line is that you never want to stop a championship game plan when it’s working.
Highly recommended…if you have the resources
But what if there was another way to get high-performance mindset training to enhance your business? What if there was a cost-effective way to gain an advantage and benefit your personal life as well?
“Prevent defense never wins games, it’s a precision-like offense that wins time and time again.”
Over the years, I’ve watched team after team lose their winning advantage just by going into what’s called “prevent defense.” Coach and players have gained an advantage and have the lead, but towards the end of the game all they want to do is keep there lead.
So what do they do next? Put it in cruise-control and take their foot off the pedal. They stop doing what got them the lead in the first place and the advantage on the scoreboard. What? That’s crazy, who would do such a thing? Unfortunately, as counter-productive as it sounds, it happens all the time.
Never stop a winning formula…always stay in the drivers seat.
Never again put your career on cruise-control. Keep your week on track with a “GAME TIME” tune-up. Half-hour training that puts your mind in high-performance gear and your actions in overdrive.
Intentionally set each week with clarity
These 30-minute Zoom calls are at 4:00pm Pacific, 5:00pm Mountain, 6:00pm Central, and 7:00pm Eastern; each and every Monday. Every call is recorded, so you can access it anytime to keep you on track. If you miss a call, watch it later. Just be sure to stay consistent for the best results.
Consistency is what creates new winning habits
I am a big fan of implementing new winning habits into your routine. This is how champions are made. And, this is how champions remain champions. Even if you believe you are a high-achiever and at the top of your game now, believe me you always can take it to a higher level.
Marshall Goldsmith
Ted Cottrell
Sharon Lechter
Jeff Garcia
What People Are Saying about this training…
Animal Instinct Principles…
Here’s a sample of what you can expect in terms of the “animal instinct” coaching principles used in this results-driven training. These principles are in addition to the high-performance coaching that Dave will deliver directly in these weekly calls.
A PROVEN SYSTEM TO DEVELOP WINNING HABITS that provide championship mindsets and extraordinary results
Meet Your Trainer: Coach Dave Austin
As an international bestselling author and speaker, Dave has lectured at Harvard, the United Nations, and the U.S. Pentagon, as well as in Uzbekistan and Chennai, India, and makes it his motto to go “where he is needed most.” Raised by a Navy Chaplain who stormed beaches during WWII without a gun and gave communion on his belly while machine-gun fired overhead, Dave’s been inspired by his father’s courage and faith; and he carries that forward in his work.
Co-author of International Bestseller, “BE A BEAST: Unleash Your Animal Instincts for Performance Driven Results” and founder of personal development company Extreme Focus, Dave’s “mental performance” training methods are not only endorsed by the Pentagon and used by U.S. Army Rangers, Navy Seals, but with NFL, MLB, PGA, Olympic athletes, Fortune 500 companies, CEOs, sales teams and entrepreneurs as well.
Dave certainly helps his clients get “in the zone” and stay there longer, however, it is his trademark “game ready” visualizations that help elite athletes and professionals in business allow their true talents to rise up and shine. He has worked with the LA Dodgers, Texas Rangers, an U.S. Olympic Field Hockey team, the Cleveland Cavaliers front office staff and executives of USAA Insurance; proving that these unique and specialized coaching methods work equally both on and off the field. From the locker room to the boardroom, he’s passionate about training his clients to “think less” and allow their minds to operate at the highest levels imaginable.
Dave is the SECRET WEAPON when it comes to a competitive edge.