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Let me introduce you to RESPA the Crocodile…one of our Beast Mode overseeing animal guides:

R – RELAX: Enhances Creativity, Restores Energy

E – EVALUATE: Determine Current Reality

S – STRATEGIZE: Layout an Action Plan

P – PATIENCE: Re-evaluate; Adjust if Necessary

A – ACT: Simply Do It; Move with Focused Action


“RESPA is the personal mastery system for developing self-discipline, maintaining composure, and personal control in one’s life. It’s the backbone upon which enlightenment, integrity, and personal control are developed and maintained.” – Roger Anthony



* Use at the beginning of each day.

* Use at the start of projects.

* Develop as a habit for all areas of life.

* RESPA greatly increases awareness, inspiration, integrity, and personal stability.

* Enhances Creativity.

* Opens the door to our personal power and potential.


How RESPA Impacted My Trip To An MLB Training Camp

When you use RESPA on a regular basis magic happens. Last week I drove out to Scottsdale to explore an opportunity with the manager of a Major League Baseball team during their Spring Training Camp. It was a 6-hour drive. I got to my hotel late, but was up early and prepared for our 7:45 am meeting the next morning. I set my 3 intentions and did a visualization to get locked in and “game ready.”

When I arrived at the facility the main lobby was locked and no one was there. I talked my way around the facility and entered through the backend. I went directly to the managers office and walked right into a meeting that was going on. Oops! I quickly excused myself and went out to the empty lobby. Was I stood up? Should I just leave in anger, and most likely never hear from this ball club?

Not if I chose to use RESPA and take a moment to relax, evaluate, strategize, have patience, and then choose how to react to this situation. By doing so, I quickly shifted into being grateful for even having this opportunity. In my RESPA mode, I focused on the outcome that I desired and just breathed into it. Knowing I was in the right place and that the right time would show up.

As I waited in this relaxed state, I got inspired to use my time wisely, and wrote more for the “Be A Beast” book that is coming out soon. Happy that I was making what could have been a “poor me” moment into a productive moment. A hour and a half later, the “perfect time” showed up. I had wanted to meet with not just the manager, but also with two of the other coaches I enjoyed spending time with. Even though each had text me earlier, saying they were not going to be available.

But, in my RESPA moment, I saw myself sitting with all three in the managers office. Now, one and half hours later, that is exactly what was taking place. I could of held on to anger and a poor me attitude, but RESPA brought me to higher ground and a better vantage point. The meeting turned out to be very productive and my journey towards this eventual “championship” continues. All because I chose to use the principle of RESPA and allow the highest outcome to prevail.

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